Welcome To

Tonbo armory

a hobbyist guide to Japanese Armor

About creating Japanese Armor

     Like all traditions from the the ancient world, the conventional understanding of the armor worn by the Samurai is rife with misunderstandings and misconceptions. Some of these are driven though popular media and others through well meaning, but misinformed, amateur historians and crafters. However, the development of these myths were inevitable and understandable as reliable and comprehensive information about Japanese armor in the west has been sparse until relatively recently as compared to its European counterpart. While the amount of academic information is ever increasing; there is still room for growth for how to create reasonably historically accurate Japanese armor at a hobbyist level. 

     Anthony J. Bryant and his website Sengokudaimyo.com were absolutely fundamental in kicking off this project. Nearly everything that you’ll find on this website is my interpretation of his words and knowledge. For anyone looking for a place to begin I suggest to read Sengoku Daimyo over and over again. Not only will you find something new about Japanese armor each time, but thanks to Joshua L. Badgley there is also a plethora of related content covering many aspects of Japanese life at the time.

     After exploring Sengoku Daimyo thoroughly, I’d begin here, with the visual glossary, with goal of developing a strong sense of the authentic Samurai armor aesthetic. Understanding the elements that define each piece is the single biggest things you can do to ensure a successful Japanese armor project.